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Brand: INJOY Health_Redeem
Model: INJ-CS013-90
INJOY Health - NMN22000 Cellular+ 活齡•健康元 (90粒)齢姿彩秒間重現配方NMN - 市售最高純度3粒750mg NMN高純度複方配方 - 活性白藜蘆醇 . 假馬齒莧 . PQQ性價比高 多功能合一✓ 增加細胞中的NAD+水平 提升活力 ✓ 高效抗氧化 抗衰老 美肌抗皺✓ 促進DNA修復 讓細胞變得更年輕✓ 增強免疫系統防護 幫助激活和促進免疫反應 ✓ 紓緩壓力 改善睡眠質素✓ 保護視力及眼睛健康✓ 促進腦部健康 激活腦細胞✓ 促進心臟健康 強化血管彈性✓ 保護肝臟功能✓ 強化全身器官功能 改善血液循環 提高新陳代謝食用方法:早上食用:1..
Brand: INJOY Health_Redeem
Model: C-RG-0005
Speedy and effective recovery from joint & tendon problems caused by inflammation, injury or aging.Phytocomplex formula (Oxicyan+ MSM + Boswllia + Tansy) – premium blend of natural herbs provide strong anti-inflammation.
Phytonutrients including glucosamine, condroithine, vitamins C, D3 & K..
Brand: INJOY Health_Redeem
Model: INJ-TL005-10
INJOY Health 護胃清 H.P. remover (10粒) x 1盒胃部不適是都市人的通病。快餐文化,加上飲食不定時,生活及工作壓力大,消化系統失調,令胃部出現各種不適症狀。幽門螺旋菌是一種“傳染力高”的病原體,可以經帶菌的餐具丶被污染的食物丶手丶唾液等途徑傳播,並能在感染者的胃中生存而難以被察覺。中大醫學報告指出:全球近40億人感染幽門螺旋菌,包括香港在內的亞洲區感染率達55%。它可以經帶菌的餐具、被污染的食物、手、唾液等多種途徑傳播,你的親屬朋友都可能不自覺被感染。愛己愛人,請立刻處理。現時的處理方法,多數會以藥物治療,但長期服用藥物會導致細菌產生抗藥性,副作用大,並非最佳選擇..
Brand: KONTOY_Redeem
Model: PB8041-Black
KONTOY PB8041 Surge Protection Power Strip with 4 Outlets & 4 USB Charger Black Colour (6') x2
▶ 8 IN 1: 4 USB charging ports and 4 outlets in one power strip which allow you charge 8 devices at the same time, suitable for most phones, tablets and other appliance. Disconnects all power at ONE..
Brand: KONTOY_Redeem
Model: PB8041-White
KONTOY PB8041 Surge Protection Power Strip with 4 Outlets & 4 USB Charger White Colour (6') x2
▶ 8 IN 1: 4 USB charging ports and 4 outlets in one power strip which allow you charge 8 devices at the same time, suitable for most phones, tablets and other appliance. Disconnects all power at ONE..
Brand: Sanitic_Redeem
Model: Sanitic-S120
Sanitic Safe guarding your space - Natural Zeolite & ClO2, 2/pkSanitic施力達產品,即為空間提供有效保護,能有效抑制及降解細菌、病毒、徵菌等微生物,並切斷病毒其傳播途徑,包括接觸表面、飛沫、氣溶膠及糞便排泄物等。 Sanitic施力達產品能達致全方位抑菌除臭,無殘留,無致癌性,而且對環境、人類及動物均冇影響Sanitic施力達S120 – 適合50~100呎的空間,使用有效期為30天。Sanitic施力達主要成分為二氧化氯,科學研究和證明:二氧化氯對於高傳染性疾病(有代表性的非肺炎SARS等冠狀病毒)有良好的消毒抑制和..
Brand: Tenute-Sajni-Fasanotti_Redeem
Model: TSF-002
Tenute Sajni FasanottiRed Wine - Podere CasetteSparkling in its classic ruby-purple robe, its sincere elegance is immediate and involving, with its fragrances of red summer fruit, blackcurrant and blackberry. Unmistakable touches of violets. On tasting, its aromatic character appears alongside its s..
Brand: Tenute-Sajni-Fasanotti_Redeem
Model: TSF-001
Tenute Sajni FasanottiRosé Wine - CrescendoA wine made from the Pinot grigio variety with characteristic copper gleams that stem from its careful vinification. The smell and the taste recall Mediterranean citrus fruit, as well as cherries and the crunchy little strawberries that one finds in t..
Brand: Tenute-Sajni-Fasanotti_Redeem
Model: TSF-003
Tenute Sajni FasanottiSparkling Wine - Primo DominieWith its golden glints, it surprises by its peppery, buttery bursts, and its rich warm floral notes. It becomes serious and intense on the palate with an attractive taste. Notes of wheat and candied fruit (citron). From its true complexity, it evol..
Brand: Tenute-Sajni-Fasanotti_Redeem
Model: TSF-004
Tenute Sajni FasanottiWhite Wine - Conte AlessandroA white wine, combining to perfection the character of the two grape-vines, Rhine Riesling and Pinot Blanc, that have given rise to this new variety; it fills your wine-glass with delicacy and elegance. Greenish-gold glints, a citrus bouquet with to..
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)