WT1 - Autonomous & Wireless. Fence line monitoring of VOC, Odors & Air pollutants Network of field-based Gas & Odors analyzers

  • Monitor Gas & VOC emissions 24/7
  • Predict odor nuisance
  • Identify odor sources
  • Fence Line monitoring
  • Monitor Particles sizes
  • Receive real-time alerts
  • Control process
  • Noise measurement


Watchtower 1 provides on line autonomous outside air emission monitoring station based on various gas sensors in arrays that provides low ppb gas, (H2S, RSH, NO2, NH3, SO2 …). VOC, Odors, noise and particles detection correlated with Dynamic olfactometry with high accuracy in ppm, ppb or OU/M3.

Those online Instruments provides the monitoring of plant emissions, and the process control capability with automatic triggering and sampling devices


Watchtower 1 is equipped with up to 6 Electrochemical cells among 20 (H2S NH3, RSH, NO2, NO, SO2, O3…), 4 MOS sensors for odors, and PID in option. The instrument provides on line automatic reading of gas concentrations and you can create automatic alarm based on each MOS sensors or on their combined output for automatic alarms.

Particle size monitoring can be added as an optional module from 0,3 to 17 µm. Correlation with OU can be provided via automatic online sampling and dynamic olfactometry or field olfactometry and a simple correlation model building. The instrument provides on line (PC, Tablets, and phone) automatic reading of gas concentration, automatic alarms. Cutting Edge data processing provides on line correlation with gas and sensory perception and allows impact and plume prediction.


Why Use WT1?

  • Fence line monitoring with direct reading of gas concentration
  • Direct reading of each mos sensors output and in combination for sources identification on line with propriatory data processing
  • Communication via ethernet or 3g /4g
  • Autonomous with rechargeable battery and solar panel in option
  • Hour installation, 7 days of battery, plus 2 days of data storage in case of loss of communication.
  • Noise monitoring
  • Particles monitoring 0,3 um to 17 um
  • Sources identification with pattern recognition build in software and automatic sampling
  • Autocalibration for CO2 and easy maintenance for other sensors
  • Olfactory and chemical monitoring tailored to your industrial sector
  • Improved communication with residents and authorities
  • Better understanding of the odor problem enabling adjustment of on-site operations
  • Optimized operation of odor control facilities leading to drastic cost reduction
  • Efficiency of air treatment processes continuously monitored
  • Reliable tool for decision making within a continuous improvement approach (iso 14001, iso 9001)

How Does This Work?

Main Areas of Application

  • Industrial Parks
  • Wastewater Treatment Plants
  • Ports
  • Smart Cities


The Only Scalable and Customizable Solution on the Market

Please contact us for more details.